---------------------------------------------------------------------- Using Audio on HP-UX Last update: 16 August 1995 Confluent Technical Notes Copyright (c) 1995 Confluent, Inc. All rights reserved. Suggestions or questions to 415-586-8700 or vthought@confluent.com. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This technical note describes the use of Visual Thought audio capabilities on HP-UX. The Audio Server ---------------- The use of audio capabilities on HP-UX requires that the NCS Local Location Broker Daemon (llbd) and the audio server (Aserver) be running on every system that is involved with the audio operation. To make llbd start automatically at boot time, edit the file /etc/netncsrc and change the line: START_LLBD=0 to: START_LLBD=1 If llbd is not running, make the above change and reboot the system. The audio server starts automatically at boot time. If the server has been stopped, you can restart the server processes with: /usr/audio/bin/Aserver To stop the audio server processes, get the two process IDs for the server with: ps -e | grep Aserver This will produce two lines of output preceded by the process IDs and . Stop both processes with: kill ; kill The Audio Host -------------- The AUDIO environment variable specifies the host where Visual Thought looks for the audio server. If AUDIO is not set or is set to ":0", Visual Thought connects to a server on the local host. To specify that Visual Thought should connect to a server on another host, set the AUDIO environment variable to ":", where is the name of the host. Problems -------- If Visual Thought audio does not work properly, try the following: 1. Make sure the record and play volumes are not set too low. 2. Make sure the AUDIO environment variable is not set to a different host than the one you are using for display. 3. As a last resort, you may need to stop and restart the audio servers. This must be done as superuser.